Happy New Year everyone!

As we start to look forward to the new season and we reflect back to our 35th Horse Trails anniversary, we need to consider what went well, what needs to be adjusted and what was just great! Our BBQ was just great!

Robbie did a fabulous job with our annual BBQ and party. There was lots of delicious food, the atmosphere was incredible and you just couldn’t help but have fun and dance to the band, Outlaws & Lace.

FYI, the same band has been booked for 2024 and Robbie again is going to cater the BBQ, so let’s hope the weather cooperates again and we have another great party to look forward to.

Billi did an awesome job on stadium. It was challenging and inviting. The new jumps from Mertin GM, the natural jump and the newly painted rails gave the stadium a fresh new look. Hopefully we will be adding to our inventory of stadium jumps again this year.

Barry will be back again to upgrade our cross country course again. The water jump will get a face lift, banks will be rebuilt and the ongoing jump repairs. Thank you to our sponsors that make all these improvements happen.

Island 22 Equestrian Society received a generous grant from HCBC to keep our many trails maintained. By keeping the black berries and scrub brush cut back it will help dry out the footing and hopefully keep mosquito population down a little.

Janice is already busy is securing officials and preparing work schedules for the “work bees” to begin. Plans are being made for another few “Derby Daze,” all weather depending.

Stay tune for more developments